How many calories do you burn with Power Yoga?
Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 360 kilocalories per hour with Power Yoga. Fill in the form and calculate how many calories you burn with Power Yoga or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.

How many calories do you burn with Power Yoga?
Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 360 kilocalories per hour with Power Yoga. Fill in the form and calculate how many calories you burn with Power Yoga or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.
Power Yoga Calorie Calculator
Burned calories (KCAL)
with Power Yoga
Power yoga is a very active type of Yoga. You will perform the Ashtanga Yoga poses very quickly. Next to this there are some core excercises included in a standard Power Yoga class. Often there will be some upbeat music to get you into the right flow.
Usually, performing yoga can help you burn around 100 to 600 calories in an hour, depending on the style, the pose, and the person. All Yoga styles are very different in their intensity and pace.
Hatha Yoga - Hatha is a very basic style of yoga taught at a slow pace. This is often the type of yoga used in beginner’s class. Hatha Yoga burns from about 180 to 220 calories per hour.
Bikram Yoga - Bikram Yoga, a type of Hot Yoga, is a physical type of Yoga where you do your yoga exercises in a temperature around 100 Fahrenheit. In a typical Bikram Yoga class you will do the same 26 Hatha Yoga positions in common order. Bikram yoga burns from about 350 to 450 calories per hour.
Ashtanga Yoga - Ashtanga yoga is a very intense and athletic form of yoga. Therefore it is a very good way to help you burn down some calories. With Ashtanga Yoga You will probably burn around twice as much as you will with Iyengar Yoga. Ashtanga yoga burns from about 250 to 350 calories per hour.
Vinyasa Yoga Vinyasa Yoga is a very dynamic way of practicing yoga and is one the most popular types at the moment. Vinyasa Yoga is also known as Flow Yoga. You will flow from one posture to the other. Vinyase yoga one of the types of yoga which will burn the most calories. Vinyasa yoga burns from about 400 to 500 calories per hour.
Hot Yoga Yoga performed in a very warm and humid room is called Hot Yoga. There are different types of Hot Yoga classes. During a standard class of Hot Yoga, the room is heated to approximately 105 F (40 C). The hot temperatures makes Hot Yoga an extreme intense type oy Yoga.
Iyengar Yoga
Ivengar Yoga is a very popular type of Yoga, introduced by the Indian B.K.S. Iyengar. In a standard Iyengar Yoga
class you will perform a variety of postures while controlling the
breath, all at a very slow pace. Although it is not the most intense
type of Yoga, you will definitely get a workout. If you are a beginner
with Yoga, or If you have an injury, Iyengar is the best type of Yoga
for you. Iyenga yoga burns from about 160 to 200 calories per hour.
Calories burned with Yoga (weight: 180 lbs)
MET | 15 min. | 30 min. | 45 min. | 60 min. | |
Ashtanga Yoga | 4 | 86 | 171 | 257 | 343 |
Bikram Yoga | 5 | 107 | 214 | 321 | 429 |
Hatha Yoga | 2.5 | 54 | 107 | 161 | 214 |
Hot Yoga | 5 | 107 | 214 | 321 | 429 |
Iyengar Yoga | 2.3 | 49 | 99 | 148 | 197 |
Power Yoga | 4.2 | 90 | 180 | 270 | 360 |
Vinyasa Yoga | 5.5 | 118 | 236 | 354 | 472 |
Yoga | 3.1 | 66 | 133 | 199 | 266 |
How do we calculate the amount of calories burned with Power Yoga?
This calculation uses the MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) of Power Yoga. The MET value of Power Yoga = 4.2. We multiply the MET value with the person\'s body weight in kilogram. Then we multiply this with 0.0175 and the duration in minutes.
A person weighs: 180 lbs
MET value of Power Yoga: 4.2
Time: 30 minutes
The calorie calculation for Power Yoga for 30 minutes is as follows:
(180/2.20462) * 4.2 * 0.0175 * 30 minutes = 180
30 minutes of Power Yoga burns 180 kcal.