How many calories do you burn cycling?
Cycling is a great way to burn calories and to lose weight. The total amount of calories you burn mostly depends on the distance you cycle, speed and your body weight. To give a rough idea of the number of calories burned when cycling, someone weighing 180 pounds burns approximately 617 calories every hour of cycling (with a average pace of 12 mph). With a normal pace of 12 mph you will burn around 51 calories every mile and 32 calories every kilometer.

Cycling Calorie Calculator
Quickly calculate how many calories you burn by cycling based on pace, time and your body weight:Calories burned per hour with cycling
Knowing exactly how many calories you’re burning during a ride going to require specific technology, like a Power Meter. The total amount depends on your age, weight, road condition, heart rate and riding time. To give you an idea how many calories you burn per hour on a flat road, use the table below or use our calculator. The exact numbers can vary from one person to another. This is because we all have different bodies with different heart rates. Please note that women may burn slightly fewer calories than stated in the table below, while men may burn slightly more.
140 lbs | 160 lbs | 180 lbs | 200 lbs | |
Cycling - Racing (20 mph) | 987 kcal | 1128 kcal | 1269 kcal | 1410 kcal |
Mountain Biking | 533 kcal | 610 kcal | 686 kcal | 762 kcal |
Cycling 10 mph | 413 kcal | 472 kcal | 532 kcal | 591 kcal |
Cycling 12 mph | 480 kcal | 549 kcal | 617 kcal | 686 kcal |
Cycling | 480 kcal | 549 kcal | 617 kcal | 686 kcal |
Cycling 14 mph | 600 kcal | 686 kcal | 772 kcal | 857 kcal |
Cycling 16 mph | 733 kcal | 838 kcal | 943 kcal | 1048 kcal |
Cycling 18 mph | 853 kcal | 975 kcal | 1097 kcal | 1219 kcal |
Cycling 20 mph | 987 kcal | 1128 kcal | 1269 kcal | 1410 kcal |
Cycling 22 mph | 1094 kcal | 1250 kcal | 1406 kcal | 1562 kcal |

Burning calories when cycling (12mph)
Use the table below to quickly find out how many calories people of a certain weight burn by cycling for a certain length of time. This information is based on a cycling speed of 12 mph. For a precise calculation, use our tool to calculate how many calories are burned by cycling.
130 lbs | 165 lbs | 200 lbs | |
15 min. | 111 kcal | 141 kcal | 171 kcal |
30 min. | 223 kcal | 283 kcal | 343 kcal |
45 min. | 334 kcal | 424 kcal | 514 kcal |
60 min. | 446 kcal | 566 kcal | 686 kcal |
90 min. | 669 kcal | 849 kcal | 1029 kcal |
How many calories do you burn on an ebike?
The assistance offered by an e-bike motor means you will burn considerably fewer calories than when cycling on a standard bike. Use our tool to calculate approximately how many calories you burn on an e-bike with average assistance or use the below table for a quick estimation of how many calories are burned when cycling on an e-bike (average assistance).
130 lbs | 165 lbs | 200 lbs | |
15 min. | 43 kcal | 55 kcal | 67 kcal |
30 min. | 87 kcal | 110 kcal | 133 kcal |
45 min. | 130 kcal | 165 kcal | 200 kcal |
60 min. | 173 kcal | 220 kcal | 267 kcal |
90 min. | 260 kcal | 330 kcal | 400 kcal |
Cycling into the wind, in pelotons and on second-rate bikes
Several factors affect how many calories are burned when cycling. For example, there’s a considerable difference between cycling 20 mph with a tailwind or into a powerful headwind. When cycling into the wind, you’ll use a lot more energy getting up to speed, and therefore also burn more calories.
The same applies to cycling in a peloton, or closely behind another cyclist. The partial vacuum of a slipstream will make it much easier for you to pedal than the cyclist in front of you. You will only truly notice the difference when you are within a metre of the cyclist in front.
Cycling on a second-rate bike has a similar effect. You’ll use more energy than a cyclist on a good bike, with pumped-up tyres and wheels that aren’t buckled. So if you’re looking to burn more calories while cycling at a certain speed, one option is to cycle on an old bike with under-inflated tyres.