How many calories do you burn playing Tennis?
Tennis is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. It is a high-energy sport that can burn up to 600 calories per hour, depending on the intensity of the game. Not only does tennis provide a cardiovascular workout, but it also works on strength and endurance. Playing tennis can help you lose weight by burning calories, increasing muscle mass, and boosting your metabolism.
Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 480 kilocalories per hour playing Tennis. Fill in the form and calculate how many calories you burn playing Tennis or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.

How many calories do you burn playing Tennis?
Tennis is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. It is a high-energy sport that can burn up to 600 calories per hour, depending on the intensity of the game. Not only does tennis provide a cardiovascular workout, but it also works on strength and endurance. Playing tennis can help you lose weight by burning calories, increasing muscle mass, and boosting your metabolism.
Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 480 kilocalories per hour playing Tennis. Fill in the form and calculate how many calories you burn playing Tennis or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.
Tennis Calorie Calculator
Burned calories (KCAL)
playing Tennis
Tennis is a full-body workout that targets your legs, arms, and core. The quick movements and sudden changes of direction put pressure on your muscles, which helps to tone and strengthen them. Additionally, the constant movement during a match increases your heart rate, which can help to burn calories more efficiently.
In addition to the physical benefits, tennis is also a fun and social activity that can be enjoyed with friends or family. Playing regularly can help you stick to your weight loss goals and make exercise a regular part of your routine.
To maximize the calorie-burning benefits of tennis, it is important to play at a moderate to high intensity level. This means hitting the ball with power and moving quickly on the court. It is also helpful to play for a longer duration, rather than just a quick game.
If you are looking to lose weight, tennis is a great option. Not only does it burn calories and increase muscle mass, but it is also a fun and social activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. So grab a racket and head to the court!
Racket Sports
Racket sports are games in which players use rackets to hit a ball or other object. However, this list is broader and includes sport disciplines where players use not rackets but paddles (hand-held frame with flat boards or planks instead of strings). (Wikipedia)
Calories burned with Racket Sports (weight: 180 lbs)
MET | 15 min. | 30 min. | 45 min. | 60 min. | |
Badminton | 7 | 150 | 300 | 450 | 600 |
Padel Tennis | 6.4 | 137 | 274 | 411 | 549 |
Squash | 7.8 | 167 | 334 | 502 | 669 |
Squashing - competition | 9.5 | 204 | 407 | 611 | 814 |
Table Tennis (ping-pong) | 4.4 | 94 | 189 | 283 | 377 |
Tennis | 5.6 | 120 | 240 | 360 | 480 |
How do we calculate the amount of calories burned playing Tennis?
This calculation uses the MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) of Tennis. The MET value of Tennis = 5.6. We multiply the MET value with the person\'s body weight in kilogram. Then we multiply this with 0.0175 and the duration in minutes.
A person weighs: 180 lbs
MET value of Tennis: 5.6
Time: 30 minutes
The calorie calculation for Tennis for 30 minutes is as follows:
(180/2.20462) * 5.6 * 0.0175 * 30 minutes = 240
30 minutes of Tennis burns 240 kcal.