How many calories do you burn during a Circuit training?
Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 617 kilocalories per hour during a Circuit training. Fill in the form and calculate how many calories you burn during a Circuit training or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.

How many calories do you burn during a Circuit training?
Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 617 kilocalories per hour during a Circuit training. Fill in the form and calculate how many calories you burn during a Circuit training or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.
Circuit training Calorie Calculator
Burned calories (KCAL)
during a Circuit training
Calories burned with Group Fitness Classes (weight: 180 lbs)
MET | 15 min. | 30 min. | 45 min. | 60 min. | |
Aerobics | 6.6 | 141 | 283 | 424 | 566 |
Aqua Aerobics | 3.2 | 69 | 137 | 206 | 274 |
Bootcamp | 10.1 | 216 | 433 | 649 | 866 |
Circuit training | 7.2 | 154 | 309 | 463 | 617 |
Crossfit | 5.6 | 120 | 240 | 360 | 480 |
Crosstrainer | 5.8 | 124 | 249 | 373 | 497 |
Pilates | 3.7 | 79 | 159 | 238 | 317 |
Spinning | 8.9 | 191 | 381 | 572 | 763 |
Step Aerobic | 6.6 | 141 | 283 | 424 | 566 |
Tai Chi | 3.3 | 71 | 141 | 212 | 283 |
Zumba | 8.8 | 189 | 377 | 566 | 754 |
How do we calculate the amount of calories burned during a Circuit training?
This calculation uses the MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) of Circuit training. The MET value of Circuit training = 7.2. We multiply the MET value with the person\'s body weight in kilogram. Then we multiply this with 0.0175 and the duration in minutes.
A person weighs: 180 lbs
MET value of Circuit training: 7.2
Time: 30 minutes
The calorie calculation for Circuit training for 30 minutes is as follows:
(180/2.20462) * 7.2 * 0.0175 * 30 minutes = 309
30 minutes of Circuit training burns 309 kcal.