How many calories do you burn by doing Crunches?
You will burn around 6 calories for every minute doing Crunches (also depending on weight and intensity). The average amount of Crunches in one minute is 24. Doing the math, this means one Crunch equals 0.25 calories. With 100 Crunches you will burn approximately 25 calories.
Related Calorie Calculators :
Burpees - Jumping Jacks - Lunges - Push-Ups - Sit-Ups - Squats
Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 429 kilocalories per hour by doing Crunches. Fill in the form and calculate how many calories you burn by doing Crunches or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.

How many calories do you burn by doing Crunches?
You will burn around 6 calories for every minute doing Crunches (also depending on weight and intensity). The average amount of Crunches in one minute is 24. Doing the math, this means one Crunch equals 0.25 calories. With 100 Crunches you will burn approximately 25 calories.
Related Calorie Calculators :
Burpees - Jumping Jacks - Lunges - Push-Ups - Sit-Ups - Squats
Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 429 kilocalories per hour by doing Crunches. Fill in the form and calculate how many calories you burn by doing Crunches or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.
Crunches Calorie Calculator
Burned calories (KCAL)
by doing Crunches
How to do a good basic crunch?
The crunch is a core exercise to train your abdominal muscles. Follow the steps below to perform the basic crunches:
- Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor.
- Bent your knees and place your arms across your chestor near your temples.
- Lift your upper body andt tilt your chin slightly (leave a few inches between chin and chest).
- Curl up and forward so that your head, neck, and shoulder lift off the floor.
- Hold for a moment at the top and then slowly return to the starting position
It is very hard to perform crunches for one full hour. If you want to calculate the amount of calories burned doing crunches, It is far more logical to count the amount of crunches for your calculation.
You will burn approximately 6 calories (depending on your weight and the intensity) doing one minute of crunches. In one minute the average person will do around 24 crunches, depending on speed and frequency. We now can calculate that one crunch equals 0.25 calories (6 divided by 24).

Calories burned with Home exercises (weight: 180 lbs)
MET | 15 min. | 30 min. | 45 min. | 60 min. | |
Abs Exercises | 7 | 150 | 300 | 450 | 600 |
Bridges (Butt lift) | 6 | 129 | 257 | 386 | 514 |
Burpees | 8 | 171 | 343 | 514 | 686 |
Crunches | 5 | 107 | 214 | 321 | 429 |
Jumping Jacks | 7.7 | 165 | 330 | 495 | 660 |
Lunges | 4 | 86 | 171 | 257 | 343 |
Mountain Climbers | 8 | 171 | 343 | 514 | 686 |
Push-Ups | 8 | 171 | 343 | 514 | 686 |
Sit-Ups | 8 | 171 | 343 | 514 | 686 |
Squats | 5.5 | 118 | 236 | 354 | 472 |
Squats (heavy effort) | 8 | 171 | 343 | 514 | 686 |
How do we calculate the amount of calories burned by doing Crunches?
This calculation uses the MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) of Crunches. The MET value of Crunches = 5. We multiply the MET value with the person\'s body weight in kilogram. Then we multiply this with 0.0175 and the duration in minutes.
A person weighs: 180 lbs
MET value of Crunches: 5
Time: 30 minutes
The calorie calculation for Crunches for 30 minutes is as follows:
(180/2.20462) * 5 * 0.0175 * 30 minutes = 214
30 minutes of Crunches burns 214 kcal.